Why Knee And Hip Replacement Surgery Is On The Rise

Regular exercise boosts energy and cognitive skills, aids sleep, and enhances the ability to cope with stress. These benefits hinge on regular exercise; the boomers who tend to forget their body’s age while exercising or playing too rigorously, too often, may end up damaging hip and knee joints in particular.This activity and its ensuing injuries […]

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A Parent’s Guide to Youth Sports

Signing up your child for a little league team can be intimidating, especially for someone with no intramural experience.

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On the Disabled List?

If you think you broke it or sprained, bruised, pulled or somehow hurt it, local urgent care sports medicine facilities can get you back in the game without the time and expense of an emergency room.

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Going Deep

He played baseball and football in high school, took up tennis as an adult, and played competitive baseball well into his forties. But at age 47, Dr. Jack Frankeny realized a change was in order.

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Renovated Orthopedic Department Looks Good and Delivers Positive Outcomes

Holy Spirit’s newly renovated orthopedic unit is a well-kept secret that is meant to be shared far and wide, according to William Polacheck, M.D.

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Heroes Among Us: Part 2

Even after being there and witnessing the devastation firsthand it is still hard to fathom the depth of loss and grief.

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Heroes Among Us: Part 1

The ecological difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is starkly visible from 32,000 feet.

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Running & Health Over 40

That age-old adage is underscored when listening to mid-state runners older than 40 who regularly participate in the region’s toughest races.

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