Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania Announces New Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania
3399 Trindle Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011


August 1, 2019

Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania Announces New Orthopedic Surgeon
Orthopedic surgeon is newest addition to team of doctors

CAMP HILL, PA. – The Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania, a leader in family care, is pleased to welcome Daniel J. Kim, D.O. to the OIP Family.  

Dr. Kim completed his Fellowship training in Adult Reconstruction at The CORE Institute in Phoenix, AZ, where he completed over 700 robotic-assisted knee and hip replacement and complex revision surgeries. Dr. Kim received his medical degree from the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine at Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ, where he graduated at the top of his class. He later went on to complete an Orthopedic Surgery residency in UPMC Pinnacle’s Orthopedic Surgery program in Harrisburg, PA.

Dr. Kim specializes in adult reconstructive joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee and shoulder. His minimally-invasive surgical approach incorporates the most advanced techniques and technology available, including robotic-assisted hip and knee replacement. Dr. Kim is certified in MAKO robotic-assisted total hip, total knee, and partial knee replacement and is among a limited number of surgeons in the country to use the direct anterior approach with robotic-assisted total hip replacement system. He has a special interest in fracture care, sports injuries, and general orthopedic care.

Dr. Kim is a member of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS), and American Osteopathic Association of Orthopedics (AOAO).

Dr. Kim has served as a medical volunteer in Bolivia, has assisted the homeless through a medical clinic in the US, and was the team physician for the Susquenita and Line Mountain High School Varsity Football teams.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kim, call Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania at 717-761-5530. Appointments are available beginning September 2, 2019.


Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania Announces New Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania
3399 Trindle Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011


July 19, 2019

Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania Announces New Orthopedic Surgeon
Orthopedic surgeon is newest addition to team of doctors

CAMP HILL, PA. – The Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania, a leader in family care, is pleased to welcome Tyson P. Maugle, D.O. to the OIP Family.

Dr. Maugle, received Fellowship training in Orthopedic Spinal Surgery at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. He earned an undergraduate degree from the university of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, where he was captain of the varsity football team. He received a medical degree at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. His Orthopedic Surgery residency was completed in Harrisburg, PA at UPMC Pinnacle, where he had the distinction of serving as Chief Resident.

Beyond general orthopedic conditions, Dr. Maugle’s particular interests include minimally invasive spinal fusion options, complex spinal deformity conditions, cervical fusion and disc replacement, disc herniations, and revision spine surgery. Dr. Maugle states he is “committed to providing the best possible outcome for patients with the least invasive surgery possible.”

Dr. Maugle holds memberships with American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), North American Spine Society (NASS), American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS), American Osteopathic Association of Orthopedics (AOAO), American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association (POMA).

When not seeing patients, Dr. Maugle, a native of Hollidaysburg, PA, enjoys spending time with his wife, Christine, and 3 young children – Grace, Emma, and Tyson.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Maugle, call Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania at 717-761-5530. Appointments are available beginning August 5, 2019.


Dr. DeLuca Presents Research at ISASS

Dr. DeLuca was recently honored with a podium presentation to present his research at the ISASS (International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery) meeting in Anaheim, California.


Dr. Dahl on Assisted Joint Replacement

Just recently our very own Dr. Dahl was honored to speak a the Community Center at the Camp Hill Giant on the topic of Mako Robot assisted joint replacement and its huge benefits.  We will be scheduling another on the East Shore soon so if you missed this one stay tuned!





OIP Hosts Carlisle Chamber Mixer

On Thursday April 25th, OIP was proud to host the annual Carlisle Chamber Mixer at our popular Carlisle office! With more than 70 people in attendance it was a huge success!


PA Orthopaedic Society: Medical liability Venue Shopping Would Hike Costs, Threaten Care

Feb. 4 news conference proposes blocking legislation

The possible return of medical liability venue shopping, in a proposal now moving behind the scenes
at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, threatens to plunge Pennsylvania into a crisis that could drive up
health insurance premiums while forcing medical professionals to leave the state.

State lawmakers will join the Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society at a Capitol news conference on Feb. 4
to discuss legislation meant to stop the change.

Since 2002, Pennsylvania courts have not allowed medical liability “venue shopping” – the ability by
plaintiffs to file suit in favorable courts, regardless of where an incident occurred. The rule, supported
by lawmakers and then-Gov. Schweiker, ended a crisis that had been gripping the health care
community since the late 1990s. In the ensuing 17 years, Pennsylvania’s medical liability system has
operated under this common-sense rule, said POS President Asif Ilyas, MD.

Under a new venue rule proposed on Dec. 22, 2018, the Supreme Court’s Civil Procedural Rules
Committee recommended that plaintiffs have broadly expanded powers to file lawsuits far from the
site of any alleged malpractice. While the current rule restricts proceedings to the county of
occurrence, the change would allow filings in counties that fit such locational criteria as where
defendants live, related procedures were conducted, or suppliers, health networks, and investors
have offices.

“This change is unwise and misguided,” said Dr. Ilyas. “Twelve million Pennsylvanians rely on their
medical professionals for care that delivers the best possible quality of life. As we know from past
experience, venue shopping opens the floodgates to a deluge of unjustifiable lawsuits, filed in places
with only specious connections to the cases. If Pennsylvanians wanted this rule change, they would
have spoken up years ago. They don’t want to see higher health costs. They don’t want to stand by
helplessly as their trusted physicians are forced to close their doors as happened in the early 2000s.”
The Supreme Court is taking public comment on the proposed changes to Pennsylvania Rule of Civil
Procedure 1006 through Feb. 22.

“Please visit “
www.PAGOPpolicy.com to voice your opinion, before 2/22/2019, on


View PCN COVERAGE of the February 4 press event.

DOWNLOAD the letter template that you can use to email directly to the committee. 


Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Pain

Are you noticing a numb, weak, pins-and-needles or falling asleep sensation in your hand and wrist? What about pain in your wrist? Perhaps, all of these sensations are occurring for no apparent reason. If you’re having these symptoms, chances are you could be experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome.

It’s best not to delay carpal tunnel treatment or wrist pain treatment, as ignoring the symptoms of this common condition could lead to permanent nerve damage. If you suspect you have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), visit us at the Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania (OIP) to receive an official diagnosis and begin treatment.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a relatively common condition affecting your wrist and hand. It’s estimated to affect up to 6 percent of people in the U.S., particularly in the 45 to 64 age group. Since the narrow passageway on the palm side of the wrist, known as the carpal tunnel, is often smaller in women than men, women are three times more predisposed to the condition than their male counterparts.

Your symptoms may begin in a mild form initially, but as the condition progresses, you can find CTS becomes more bothersome and painful. You may first notice numbness or tingling in your fingers off and on. But, the sensations can become worse over time, last longer and even wake you up at night. Eventually, the numbness and pain could make it difficult to grips things like a pen, fork or another object.

This condition occurs when your median nerve — the nerve passing through the carpal tunnel, or narrow space that runs to your hand from your forearm — is pinched or compressed. The median nerve controls the movement and sensations in the pointer, middle and ring fingers, as well as the thumb. You usually experience it in your dominant hand first, which is typically where you will feel the most severe pain.

Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Anything that makes your carpal tunnel smaller, pinching the median nerve, may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. These may include:

  • Repetitive Hand Movements: Although repetitive activities like typing on the keyboard were thought to induce carpal tunnel syndrome, research now shows this isn’t the most prominent cause. Regular use of vibrating or heavy equipment, such as a jackhammer, can predispose you to carpal tunnel syndrome. You’re also more likely to develop CTS if you regularly bend your wrist at a higher level than your hands.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, such as rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism and diabetes. For instance, people who have diabetes and other metabolic disorders that affect the nerves of the body are more vulnerable to compression, so they have a higher risk of developing CTS, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Children do not usually experience carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Pregnancy: If you have edema, or a build-up of fluid in your wrist tissues during pregnancy, you can develop carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS typically disappears shortly after giving birth.
  • Occupation: The chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome aren’t confined to individuals in a single job or industry, but it’s particularly common in people who perform assembly line work like cleaning, packing or manufacturing. In fact, assemblers are three times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome than data entry personnel.

Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Pain

Here are nine potential treatment options for carpal tunnel — although it’s always smart to see a doctor to determine the best method for you.

1. Wear Splints or Braces

You can help relieve median nerve pressure by keeping your wrists straight. Individuals often experience symptoms more at night. If this is the case for you, wearing a splint during the evening can help alleviate your symptoms before they begin. You may also wear a splint brace during the day if you have problems at work with repetitive tasks.

Braces are typically best when you’re experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. While they might not work for everyone, it doesn’t hurt to try one since no adverse side effects are involved. Give it a few weeks to see if your symptoms improve.

The doctor will likely recommend you wear a brace during the night when you’re in bed. This is because many individuals bend their wrists while sleeping and this can worsen the symptoms.

2. Take Medications

Several types of medications serve as treatment options for wrist pain, including:

  • Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications: In some cases, drugs can help ease the swelling and pain linked with carpal tunnel syndrome. For instance, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin might offer you short-term relief from pain and discomfort, but they don’t treat the condition.
  • Topicals: One study showed slaughterhouse workers with carpal tunnel syndrome who applied topical menthol during the workday significantly reduced their pain. If you would like to try a topical, consult with your doctor and be sure to follow the directions on the package.

3. Ice Your Wrists

Soak or ice your wrist in an ice bath for around 15 minutes once or a couple of times an hour. Icing may help relieve the pain.

4. Perform Wrist Exercises and Therapy

Here are a few wrist exercises you can try to relieve pain:

  • Shake It Out: Once an hour for one or two minutes, shake your hands as if you’re trying to air dry them after washing them. By doing this, you’re helping to keep your hand flexor muscles and the median nerve from becoming tight and cramped during the day. You may already be doing this just by washing your hands frequently throughout the day.
  • Wrist Flex and Extend: For this exercise, you’ll hold your arm in front of you straight out, keeping your hand and wrist straight and palm facing down. Start bending your wrist down, so you’re pointing your fingers toward the floor. Using your other hand, start pulling your fingers gently toward your body to help increase the stretch. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds. Now, return to a neutral, straight wrist position with palm still facing down. Begin bending your wrist up, so you’re pointing your fingertips toward the ceiling. Gently pull your fingers with the other hand back toward you, holding the position for another 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times a few times a day.
  • Stretch It Out: Whether you’re sitting at your desk or standing in line at your local grocery store, you can perform this simple and quick wrist exercise. Make a fist and release, so your fingers are straight again. Continue performing this exercise up to 10 times to help relieve any pressure you may have in your wrist.

5. Change Your Activities

Often, carpal tunnel syndrome will flare up when you have been holding your wrist and hand in the same position for a long time. Keeping your wrist bent up or down can make it even worse — therefore, you should try to maintain a neutral, straight position the best you can. If your work makes this difficult, you might want to:

  • Lighten Up: If you’re finding you are forcing or straining with tasks like typing or writing, reduce the force you’re using or relax your grip. Try tapping the keys a little lighter or use a soft-grip pen.
  • Take a Break From Repetitive Tasks: Whether you’re using a hand drill, playing a guitar or typing, set a timer for 15 minutes before you start. Once it goes off, it’s time to take a break and wiggle your fingers. Move your wrists and stretch your hands to improve blood flow in these areas.
  • Be Aware of Your Flexion: Avoid performing activities that cause you to flex your wrists in either direction to the extreme. Try to keep your wrists in a neutral position as much as you can.
  • Keep Your Hands Warm: You can ease stiffness and pain by keeping your hands warm. Consider keeping hand warmers close or wearing fingerless gloves. Or, soak your hand in water that’s between 92 and 100 degrees, gently flexing your wrist and moving your hand. Repeat this several times a day.
  • Use Only as Much Force as Required: Don’t pound away on your keyboard or hold your tools too tightly.
  • Elevate Your Wrists and Hands Whenever You Can: This could be especially beneficial if fractures, pregnancy or fluid retention caused your carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Improve Your Posture: Don’t roll your shoulders forward, as this can set off a chain reaction and worsen the problems with your wrist.

6. Start Physical Therapy

A physical or occupational therapist can help in several ways. They might provide you with exercises for stretching and strengthening your wrist and hand muscles. They may also show you how to make changes to your regular motions in a way that eases the stress from your wrists and hands. These exercises could be particularly helpful when you’re performing activities related to your favorite hobbies or work.

7. Consider Alternative Therapy

Incorporate alternative therapies into your plan to help you manage your carpal tunnel syndrome. You may need to experiment with a few options to determine which treatment will work best for you. Always consult with your doctor before you try any alternative or complementary therapy.

As you try to figure out how to relieve wrist pain, you can test out these alternative therapies:

  • Yoga: Yoga postures intended for stretching, strengthening and balancing your joints and upper body can help you decrease your pain and improve your grip strength.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an excellent solution for many because it is low-risk and minimally invasive. In one study published in the journal Brain, researchers concluded that acupuncture helped to relieve pain for individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome. According to the researchers, the acupuncture “remapped” the brain, helping to reduce symptoms. They also said acupuncture provides direct healing effects to the source of the pain in the individual’s wrists. High-tech imaging showed acupuncture led to some mapping changes in the brain. Additionally, participants seemed to experience some healing effects in their wrists.
  • Hand Therapy: Research shows certain occupational and physical hand therapy methods could reduce carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: High-intensity ultrasounds may help to raise the targeted body tissue area’s temperature to decrease pain and encourage healing. The research found varying results with this treatment, but an ultrasound therapy course over a few weeks could help decrease symptoms.

8. Discuss Steroid Injections With a Physician

Your physician might provide a corticosteroid, like a cortisone injection, to your carpal tunnel to relieve pain. In some cases, your doctor might use ultrasound for guiding these injections. Corticosteroids reduce swelling and inflammation, helping to relieve pressure on your median nerve.

9. Talk to a Doctor About Surgery

Typically, surgery will involve severing a ligament around your wrist to help reduce median nerve pressure. Surgery is generally performed under regional — involving some sedation — or local anesthesia and doesn’t require an overnight stay at the hospital. Many individuals need surgery on both hands.

Although carpal tunnel surgery involves the surgeon relieving nerve pressure by cutting the ligament, they can use two different methods to accomplish this:

  • Open Release Surgery: Open release surgery is the standard surgery used for correcting carpal tunnel syndrome. The surgeon makes a two-inch incision in your wrist and cuts the carpal ligament so they can enlarge the carpal tunnel. Usually, patients require local anesthesia for this surgery, and it’s performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Endoscopic Surgery: Endoscopic surgery may allow for less post-operative discomfort and quicker functional recovery than the standard open release surgery. There could, however, be more complications, and you may require additional surgery. The surgeon will make an incision — or two — of around a half an inch in your palm and wrist. Then, they’ll insert a camera which is attached to a tube so they can observe the ligament, nerve and tendons while cutting the carpal ligament.

After surgery, the ligaments will typically grow back together, allowing more space than before. While surgery may help relieve symptoms immediately after the procedure, full recovery can take several months. Usually, patients notice a decrease in their grip strength, but this improves over time. Some people might develop nerve damage, infections, pain and stiffness at the scar.

Call Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania to Set Up Your Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Pain Appointment

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be disruptive to your everyday life and painful. If you’re experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, make an appointment with a doctor to receive an official diagnosis and relieve the pressure and pain you’re experiencing. Receiving an early diagnosis and treatment can help you prevent permanent nerve damage.

Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania is based in central Pennsylvania and committed to providing quality care and treatment to our patients. Contact us whether you recently started experiencing pain or have been for some time. We can provide you with holistic treatment options to help you get back to your pain-free life.

Most of our providers are specialists who can provide you with specialized care. We offer numerous treatments and services and are pleased to say 95 percent of our patients didn’t require orthopedic surgery to alleviate their problems. Schedule an appointment at any one of our eight locations to start treating your carpal tunnel syndrome today.


Chronic Back Pain Treatment Options – What’s Best For You?

If you are struggling with back pain in Central Pennsylvania, you’re part of a vast group. Around 80 percent of adults, at some point in their lives, experience back pain. It’s one of the most common contributors to missed work days and job-related disability, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania (OIP) provides chronic pain treatment options at our eight locations, including conservative methods and surgical procedures if needed.

About Chronic Back Pain

Most lower back pain is short-term — or acute, lasting for several days to several weeks. But, it often resolves on its own with no residual function loss. Most acute back pain is mechanical, which means there’s a disturbance in how the back’s components — muscle, spine, nerves and intervertebral discs — fit together and move.

Chronic back pain, on the other hand, persists for over 12 weeks even if doctors treat an underlying cause or injury. Around 20 percent of individuals with lower back pain end up developing chronic low back pain with symptoms that persist for at least one year.

If you’ve been suffering from chronic back pain, it’s important you visit us at the OIP to receive a diagnosis for your condition and start treatment to experience pain relief.

Chronic Back Pain Treatment Options

Some treatment options for back pain and lower back pain include:

1. Medications

There are various categories of medicines used for treating chronic pain. Generally, your doctor, pharmacist or pain management specialist can answer your questions regarding the dose and side effects of these medicines. Here are some common medications used for treating chronic pain:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): There are some NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) you can obtain over-the-counter (OTC). NSAIDs could be effective for acute bone and muscle pain along with some forms of chronic pain conditions — like chronic back pain.
  • Acetaminophen: You can also easily obtain acetaminophen over-the-counter, but you don’t want to take more than directed because it can have effects on your liver if you take too much. Many opioid medications have acetaminophen in them.
  • Antidepressants: Some antidepressants can be helpful in controlling back pain, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants. These medications often relieve pain in lower doses than the standard doses required for treating depression. You don’t take these medications on an “as needed” basis since you have to take them every day regardless of whether or not you’re experiencing pain.
  • Muscle relaxants: These drugs are used most often with acute muscle spasms. They are effective at relieving back pain.
  • Opioids: Opioids are prescription medications that can effectively control different types of pain when used appropriately. They often require a higher dose with nerve type pain because a normal dose isn’t as effective. Your doctor will prescribe the right amount. For nerve type pain, a doctor might prescribe a long-acting opioid medication. Opioids have an addiction risk, so physicians don’t routinely prescribe them as a first option.

2. Injections

Epidural steroid injections, nerve ablations, nerve blocks and other forms of injection-based procedures can help with chronic back pain relief. Physicians may use them when they don’t know the cause of your pain. They also can sometimes help rule out specific causes if your treatment isn’t working. Injections might lessen or stop the pain for a certain period, but they’re not intended to provide you with a long-term solution, and you shouldn’t use them on their own.

Some common chronic back pain injection procedures are:

Epidural Injections

Epidural steroid injections are one option used for delivering pain medication quickly into your body using a syringe. The doctor injects the medication into the epidural area. This area covers your spinal cord, protecting it and your surrounding nerves from damage.

With an epidural steroid injection, your doctor will use an X-ray machine to guide the needle as they make the injection to ensure the needle is in the right area.

Radiofrequency Ablation (or RFA)

An RFA is a procedure doctors use to reduce pain. RFA is an effective and safe chronic back pain treatment option that’s typically well-tolerated, with barely any associated complications. There’s a very small risk of bleeding and infection at the site of insertion.

The doctor may place an intravenous (IV) line in a vein in your arm before the procedure to deliver a mild sedative and local anesthetic to reduce any discomfort during your RFA procedure. With the local anesthesia, you’ll still be awake, but you won’t feel any pain.

The doctor inserts a small needle into the area you’re experiencing pain. They use an X-ray machine, like with an epidural injection, to guide the needle to the precise area. They then insert a microelectrode through the needle and start the stimulation process. You may feel a tingling sensation.

Before the procedure, you may receive an intravenous (IV) line through vein located in your arm and a mild sedative or local anesthetic to reduce any discomfort during RFA. You may be awake during the process to aid in properly assessing the procedure. Ask your doctor about specifics beforehand.

The doctor places an electrode and needle to send a small radiofrequency current into the surrounding tissue through the electrode, heating the tissue.

Nerve Blocks

Nerve blocks are procedures used for managing or preventing different types of pain. They’re often injections of medications intended for blocking pain from certain nerves. They’re good for pain relief, too.

Nerve blocks use needles, usually combined with ultrasound, fluoroscopy — a tool with a fluorescent screen doctors use to view X-ray images — or CT scan or guide the needle correctly. The doctor might also use low-level electrical stimulation for locating which nerve is causing your pain.

3. Physical Therapy

The best treatment for chronic lower and upper back pain is physical therapy. Doctors tend to prescribe this type of treatment first. You’ll be under the guidance of a spine physical therapist who will guide you through a set of exercises. They’ll tailor the exercises to your condition and specific symptoms. A big part of success is maintaining the exercise routine they provide for you.

Some types of physical therapy used for treating chronic back pain might include:

  • Testing your pain tolerance limits: Pain threshold and tolerance will vary from person to person.
  • Retraining your posture: The physical therapist will show you the proper form and assist you in achieving the correct posture.
  • Strengthening your core: Increasing core strength is important for decreasing back pain and reintegrating patterns of movement with better stability, awareness and bracing of your core.
  • Conducting flexibility and stretching exercises: Flexibility and stretching exercises help reduce the tension in the muscles that support your spine, improve overall mobility and range of motion and reduce your risk of disability due to back pain.
  • Doing aerobic exercises: Prolonged aerobic exercise can stimulate the nutrients and blood flow to your lower back, decreasing stiffness and encouraging healing.

5. Alternative Treatments

Some chronic back pain patients explore alternative treatments for chronic back pain. These include:


Acupuncture can help treat chronic back pain. The specialist inserts thin needles into exact points throughout your body. Some specialists believe acupuncture can clear blockages in your body’s life force, which is referred to as Qi — pronounced “chee.”

Chiropractic Care

Different types of chiropractic care treatments many help with managing a chronic back pain like a herniated disc, for example. The treatment might involve manual adjustments where the doctor uses a sudden, controlled force to manipulate your joints to improve the quality and range of motion. Chiropractic care helps restore function and prevent injury as well as provides back pain relief.


Biofeedback is a body-mind technique involving several types of monitoring devices for creating conscious control over our physical processes our bodies normally automatically control. Some processes biofeedback can affect in this manner could include breath control, heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure and more.

Today, various types of biofeedback tools and instruments are available that show how effective this therapy can be and help monitor activity progress.


Studies involving individuals with mild to moderate chronic back pain show certain yoga postures could decrease pain and improve your ability to move and walk.

Massage Therapy

The medical community is beginning to accept massage therapy as a credible treatment for various forms of back pain and as a supplemental therapy to use with other medical treatments. It offers several potential health benefits for individuals suffering from back pain, including:

  • Reduced muscle tension: Massage therapy provides muscle relaxation helping to reduce pain caused by tight muscles, improve flexibility and even improve sleep.
  • Improved circulation and blood flow: This brings nutrition to your tissues and muscles, helping in the recovery of muscle soreness from a soft tissue injury (like muscle strain) or physical activity.
  • Increased endorphin levels: These are your brain’s “feel good” chemicals. Massage therapy enhances the mood helping to ease the anxiety and depression, often found in people with chronic back pain, which helps decrease pain and speed up recovery.

Behavioral Modification

Behavioral modification methods help optimize patient’s responses to painful stimuli and back pain. Cognitive therapy involves teaching a person to use coping techniques, relaxation techniques and other methods to alleviate back pain.


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a type of pain relief where electricity transmits through various parts of your body. Pain relief is a common reason individuals use TENS.

Through this therapy, your body receives mild electrical impulses. The TENS system is made up of a power machine, wires and electrode pads the doctor places on your skin close to the area that hurts. They then turn the unit on and send low-voltage electrical currents through your body.

TENs sessions typically last no more than 15 minutes and depending on the case, are performed as often as needed. Patients often report feeling a warm or mild tingling sensation during the treatments, temporarily preventing the individual from being aware of pain.

6. Surgery

Over 95 percent of our patients’ back problems are treated without surgery at Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania. However, when other treatments aren’t effective, doctors might turn to surgery to help relieve pain caused by severe nerve compression or musculoskeletal injuries. Surgery isn’t always successful, and there’s not a lot of evidence showing which surgeries work best for their certain indications. Individuals considering surgery need to know all related risks.

Surgical options may include:

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty

These surgeries are minimally invasive and help repair vertebral compression fractures by osteoporosis. The doctor uses three-dimensional imaging during vertebroplasty to assist them in guiding a fine needle through the patient’s skin into their vertebral body — the biggest part of their vertebrae, the series of small bones that form your backbone.

With these surgeries, the doctor injects glue-like bone cement into your vertebral body space. The cement hardens quickly and helps strengthen and stabilize the bone, providing pain relief. In kyphoplasty, before you receive the bone cement injection, the surgeon inserts a special balloon and inflates it gently to reduce spinal deformity and restore height to your vertebral structure.

Spinal Laminectomy

The doctor performs this treatment when spinal stenosis is causing a spinal canal narrowing that causes numbness, pain or weakness. During the surgery, the surgeon removes the bony walls or lamina of your vertebrae as well as any bone spurs. The goal of this surgery is to open your spinal column up to remove pressure on your nerves.

Discectomy or Microdiscectomy

Your doctor might recommend discectomy to remove a disc, in situations where it has herniated and is pressing on the spinal cord or nerve root and causing enduring and intense pain. Microdiscectomy is a similar procedure, but it involves the surgeon making an extremely small incision in your back to remove the herniated disc, helping with more rapid recovery.


Foraminotomy is a surgery that enlarges or “cleans out” the foramen — bony hole — where your nerve root leaves the spinal canal. Joints thickened with age, or bulging discs can lead to narrowing of the space where your spinal nerve exits and may press on your nerve, causing numbness, pain and weakness. The surgeon removes small pieces of bone over your nerve through a small incision, so they can cut the blockage away and relieve the nerve pressure.

Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET)

This is surgery for bulging or cracked discs due to degenerative disc disease. During the surgery, the surgeon inserts a catheter at the area of the disc in your back through a small incision. They pass a special wire through the catheter and apply an electrical current to heat the disc, helping to strengthen the disc wall’s collagen fibers, which reduces the bulging or other associated irritation of your spinal nerve.

Other surgical procedures may help with your chronic back pain in the event other treatments fail. You can sit down with an Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania provider for a consultation to discuss your treatment options.

Call the Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania to Make an Appointment for Your Chronic Back Pain

If you’re experiencing chronic pain or have been injured, it’s important you see a doctor to identify the source of your pain so you can have the best treatment for pain management.

At the Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania, providing caring and compassionate service is our priority. We strive to ensure we identify the exact cause of your pain so we can help you treat it properly. Chronic back pain shouldn’t be something you have to deal with every day. It’s our job to help alleviate your pain so that you can get back to living a better quality of life.

Visit here to view our providers in our eight convenient locations throughout Central Pennsylvania, or give us a call at 717-761-5530 to schedule an appointment.

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